These 18 dogs were busted for doing… whatever it was they were doing, and they try to play it off as if everything is fine.
That’s what we take away from their facial expressions, anyway. 😛
1) “Yeah, I was just checking to see if this thing is doggy-proof…. It is.”
2) “I decided I might as well advertise while on walks, you know?”
3) “He tried to get into the trash, so I stopped him by getting into the trash first.”
4) “Haven’t you ever seen a doggy snuggie?”
5) “Hey guys, I was checking, and you ARE out of crackers.”
6) “I can explain, but maybe right now we should just laugh…”
7) “I’ve been so lazy, it appears I’m just part of the couch now.”
8) “I figured, why just destroy my toy when I can wear it.”
9) “No, I still can’t figure out how you humans sit in these things!”
10) “It’s fine. Really, I’m cool.”
11) “Yeah, I can get out of this anytime I want.”
12) “Nice little place to take a break. I’m not stuck at all, I swear!”
13) “What?? I didn’t even know that you had food up there….”
14) “The squirrel did not win this battle. I’m just… thinking.”
15) “Ummm, it’s exactly what it looks like. But I kind of love it.”
16) “I get the best of both worlds; I’m not really inside, but I’m not exactly outside……. Okay, help.”
17) “Is this NOT how you put it on?”
18) “At least it’s a nice day…”
These dogs were definitely NOT doing anything they aren’t supposed to be doing. 😉
[h/t BuzzFeed]