There’s nothing more adorable than a plump, round puppy belly! What is it about them that makes us want to poke them?? 🙂
1) Dreaming of food, of course!
2) “You know what to do – start rubbing!”
3) “Does this pose make my belly look fat?”
4) Let’s put that belly back in your bed!
5) “Yes, you can scratch my belly while I sleep.”
6) “What do you mean I eat too much??”
7) “I’m in belly-rub heaven right now.”
8) Kinda hard to work around that plump, round belly!
9) “See? I’m starting to grow into that puppy belly!”
10) Rolls on top of rolls on top of rolls…
11) “Too full to sleep…”
12) “Help! I can’t get up.”
13) Just a small break between meals.
14) It’s true…
15) Eating can be so exhausting.
16) “Umm, why did you stop rubbing my belly??”
17) Sad puppy eyes – Check. Big puppy belly – Check.
18) “Hold me while you can, this belly just keeps growing!”
19) “I’m not fat, I’m just big bellied!”
20) “Wake me up for snack time.”
21) “I don’t have a big belly… It’s just the pattern of my spots!”
22) “You know it’s cute…”
23) “I’m STILL hungry!”
The rounder and bigger the belly, the better! Share these irresistible puppy bellies with your friends.
[H/T – ViralNova ]