These 20 Dogs Put Grumpy Cat To Shame With Their Hilarious Grumpiness
1. I'm not amused.
Just when it seemed like Grumpy Cat was the grumpiest grump who ever grumped…these dogs showed up. Everybody has their bad days and these photos definitely caught that day for these guys.
1. I’m not amused.
2. Grumpy dog’s grumpy cup.
3. Why me?
4. He didn’t blink the whole drive back from the vet.
5. Bleh, heartworm pills should be bacon flavored.
6. If you like this hat so much, you should wear it.
9. This dog may be grumpy, but he’s still cooler than me.
10. He’s not pleased with the casting choices of the Ghostbusters sequel.
12. I only look grumpy.
13. Do you see what I have to deal with?
14. Ah! Get outta here I’m not decent!
15. I’m turning into a sloth.
16. I’m grumpy because adoption rates are low for special needs pets.