Everyone loves puppies. But when they’re this cute, it’s impossible to not let them walk all over you. Just try saying no to these faces. 😉 1) A cute puppy who puts safety first? ADORABLE! 2) This little guy needs cuddles and lots of them! 3) Who could say no to this face? 4) “I’m gonna nap for a bit, then we’ll play again!” 5) “More treats, now! …Please.” 😛 6) “Instead of going to work today, you will take me to the park.” 7) “I think I deserve people food tonight.” 😉 8) “I’ll sit this one out, you fetch the ball.” 9) Cuteness X 6 10) Yes they are! 11) “What do you mean I’ve already eaten?” 😉 12) “Pretty please??” 13) “Do you want to pet my beautiful fur?” 14) “Sometimes they even let me drive!” 😛 [taboolamiddle] 15) “Obedience class again? Aw, man!” 16) “Are you ready to do as I say, human?” 😉 17) “You WILL let me sleep in the bed tonight…” 18) So happy. 🙂 19) “Are you taking me to my forever home?” 20) “Hello up there!” 21) A face you can’t say no to but will always make you smile. 🙂 22) Okay, you’re not in trouble. 23) “What? I was just watering the flowers.” 😉 24) Okay, you can have a bite! 25) “I’m the new sheriff in town.” 😉 26) “You know you wanna scratch my belly…” 27) “Look into my eyes.” 😉 28) “Can we go home now?” How could you possibly resist? Previous Post They think they're rescuing a neglected dog until they take a closer look Next Post Pit Bull Decides To Teach Her Baby Sister How To Play Fetch At An Early Age