1) Dogs love to sleep, and they can do it just about anywhere. Like inside of a dishwasher…
2) Sometimes it seems as if the more uncomfortable it looks, the more likely they’ll find a way to sleep there!
3) This little guy squeezed into a pair of pants occupied by a human.
4) At least this pup looks comfortable!
5) Sometimes they don’t even have to lie all the way down!
6) Sleeping standing up? Yep.
7) Oh darn, we’re gonna have to put off cleaning for a while. 😛
8) Long car rides can make anyone tired…
9) Let’s just hope they’re not driving!
10) There’s a dog in there somewhere. 😛
11) After a long day and you can’t even make it onto the couch…
12) Stuck between a sofa and a soft place.
13) Dogs will get their shut-eye even if it’s at the expense of your privacy.
14) The old food coma.
15) When you can’t make it up the stairs to your room…
16) It may be early, but school’s important, pup!
17) I think someone fell asleep in the rain…
18) That can’t smell good! 😛
19) When you’re tired, but all you want to do is play.
20) Being a dog can be ruff…
21) So sleep tight, precious pups. 🙂
They may be silly, but you gotta love ’em! 😊
[h/t BuzzFeed]