C’mon, admit it – You always liked animals better than people. If not, maybe you will after you read this! 🙂
1) Animals let you put your face on their soft fur.
2) Dogs are loads of fun anywhere you take them!
3) Animals will take care of you – no questions asked.
4) They know how to behave in the pool…
5) …But when it’s time to have fun, they know it!
6) No prejudices. Even when one of them is a pig.
7) Animals enjoy a nice sunset.
8) You still want to hug wet animals.
9) Animals don’t think about rolling around on the ground. They just DO IT. 🙂
10) They will wait outside the door for you and give you some space.
11) Unlike most people, animals are COMPLETELY adorable when sleeping. 🙂
12) They are ALWAYS happy!
13) Animals love to sit on the sofa right next to you.
14) They are always happy and ready to greet you when you come home. 🙂
15) Speaking of greetings, animals do it best!
16) They can’t wait to say hello to their family. Awww!
17) Animals can look smug and are still amazing.
18) Animals help you out as much as they can. And NEVER complain about it!
19) Last but not least, they just want to be LOVED. 🙂
Pretty convincing, isn’t it? One thing about people though, you can share this post with them!
[H/T: BuzzFeed]