How They Found This Lovable Stray One Day Made Them Sick. But The End… OMG.
The Director of Anti-Cruelty at the Charleston Animal Society calls it “the most malicious case of animal abuse” he has ever seen. You’re about to see why in the following images, so we must warn you: they are not for people with weak stomachs.
The well-known stray was found one day with tape tightly wrapped around her muzzle.
The tongue of the 15-month-old chocolate staffie mix protruded from her mouth, and may have to be partially amputated.
The tape was removed, but caused severe swelling and could leave permanent damage.
“To leave this dog in pain, unable to eat or drink and to now leave her in the position where her life is at stake because she may lose her tongue, is heartbreaking,” Roman said.
How could someone do such a thing? No animal deserves this.
Her face is very swollen, but she is on the right track. There’s a long road of recovery ahead, but the Animal Society is hopeful.
But now Caitlyn is off of the streets and away from the person that did this to her. She’ll be safe and sound as treatment continues.
The Animal Society is offering a $1,000 reward for any information on the person responsible for this horrific act.
You can make a donation to help Caitlyn and other neglected dogs at the Charleston Animal Society page.
For more information on Caitlyn and other rescues, visit their Facebook page.
We’re hoping for the best and fastest recovery possible for Caitlyn. You can share this post using the button below.