What happened to this dying puppy on Christmas Eve is unforgettable
Last Christmas Eve, Deanna Jarvis of Noah’s Hope Animal Rescue experienced something she will never forget. This is the story of Nicolas, the puppy.
A tiny German Shepherd-Chow mix, barely alive, showed up at the Iowa rescue organization. It didn’t look good at all. “The vet said that Nicolas was hypothermic and needed to be on a heating pad. Instead I zipped him up in my sweatshirt and rocked him in a chair for three days,” Jarvis told Inquisitr.
Deanna took the sweet, sick little puppy that she named Nicolas into her home. Nicolas had a broken jaw, so Deanna was hand-feeding him regularly with the help of her son, Marcus.
Finally, once Nicolas was healthy enough, Deanna looked for a forever home. Tom and Bea Johnson immediately stepped up. “We fell in love with him when we saw him,” Tom told the Inquisitr.
Amazingly, one year later, Nicolas still remembers the woman who saved her life. The Thompsons promised to always keep Deanna in touch with Nicolas year after year. This photo says it all. 🙂
There’s still a small scar on Nicolas’ ear that will always remind the loving Thompsons of the miracle they helped make happen. From a puppy on the brink of imminent death to a loving forever home, it truly is a Christmas miracle.