Delivery Driver Sees Customer’s Note Asking For A Dog Friend, Sets Out To Help

David MacLeod, a delivery driver for Iceland Home Delivery in Scotland, was on his route one day when he arrived to a customer’s house to see a note on the fence. He was heartbroken when he read it, and it inspired him to set the wheels in motion.

“Small dog for company. Lost my dog with cancer, do not feel well without him. Jack Russell/Cairn. Pay £30.”

David Macleod/Facebook

The grieving customer was looking for a new doggy companion after losing his Jack Russell/Cairn. Over the past six years of being the man’s delivery driver, David had seen the two together and realized just how strong of a bond they’d formed. The loss obviously left a huge hole in the man’s life.

David Macleod/SWNS

So David got in contact with some local animal rescue centers and charity Give A Dog A Bone in hopes of finding a similar dog to pair with the man. He plans to leave it to the organizations to find the right pet for him, and he’s looking forward to the day he sees the man out with his new pal!

Folks in the community have since started calling the lonely man on the phone to keep in touch, and their support is going a long way to provide him company until the day he gets that furry friend. How lovely! 🙂

H/T Bored Panda