These 21 first and last photos of pets will tug at your heartstrings.
1) “I had to put my first dog down last week after 14 years of wonderful companionship, RIP Docker”
2) “Our beautiful bossy Cassie died suddenly 3 years ago today. We still miss her. Here are the first and last photos I ever took of her.”
3) “My dog passed away yesterday, these are the first and last pics of her…”
4) “My dog passed away after 13 years together. Our first day and last day together.”
5) “The first and last picture of my cat, Steve Holt! I’ll miss you so much, buddy.”
6) “My dog on one of his first days and on his last.”
7) “First picture ever taken of us on the left, last ever on the right 🙁 <3"
8) “She’s been my best friend for SIXTEEN YEARS, and today, she sadly passed away from a stroke. I love this dog, and I miss her dearly.”
9) “Our first and last pictures together. Mortimer, 1991-2010.”
10) “My first picture and last picture with Kilo… RIP little guy.”
11) “This is my cat’s first and last picture.”
12) “The first and last photos of my best friend.”
13) “We had to put him down yesterday. This is the first and last picture I ever took of him. I loved him so damn much.”
14) “Here’s the first and the last pictures we ever took of our old dog, 16 years apart.”
15) “We had to put down Simba today. Here’s the first picture I took of him and one of the last.”
16) “My best friend is now gone after 10 years of friendship. This is her first and last pictures.”
17) “My first and last picture with Mopsy”
18) “Millie passed away this week […] This is the first and last photo I took of her. I love you so much Millie!”
19) “The first and last picture taken of my best friend, I love you Mel”
20) “We loved her from the day she was born”
21) “From the First “Hi” To the Final “Goodbye” the best dog I’ve ever had”
It’s amazing to see the impact these pets had on their owners. And these memories and photos will last forever. 🙂
[h/t – The Dodo ]