He Was Picking Up The Trash When He Spotted This Out Of The Corner Of His Eye…
A garbage man for the Upper Darby Township Sanitation Department was out on his route when he spotted the unthinkable.
“He noticed something was moving inside one of the bags. He opened the bag and found the kitten,” Providence Animal Center told LoveMeow.
The garbage man was going about his daily routine when he spotted something unusual out of the corner of his eye…
The tiny kitten had been tossed out with the trash in a sealed bag. Who could do such a thing?
The garbage man contacted the Providence Animal Center, and they immediately took the kitty in.
As they continue to search for information on the animal cruelty, the kitten is looked over and checked for good measure.
They named her Grundgetta (after Oscar the Grouch’s girlfriend) and posted her information on Facebook. The three-to-four-week-old kitten will be put up for adoption when she’s eight weeks old.
For now, Grundgetta is being fostered by Jane (pictured) and preparing to live her new life.
There have already been lots of adoption requests, so Providence Animal Center is sure the kitten will find the perfect home when the time comes.