A Simple Move Put His Lovable Pup In Unexpected Danger. And Now? Oh My…
This is the story of Derrick and his little pal Kal-el, named after Superman because “he is to me my little Superman.” He planned to move to Seattle and saved up the money for tickets and traveling. He had a job lined up, just needed a temporary place to stay. But that’s where the story takes a turn for the worse…
Kal-el (little Superman) and his owner moved to Seattle where they thought they found the perfect place. But then the unthinkable happened…
That’s when a neighbor’s dog ran out of a doggy door and straight to Kal-el. Before his owner could react, the dog had Kal-el in its mouth, shaking him violently.
Little Superman suffered punture wounds, kidney damage, and bladder damage to go along with rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, fluid in the abdomen as well as low body temperature.
Kal-el needs to have surgery and after care and he means more to his owner than life itself.
“I do not care what happens to me i just want my little kal-el to be ok any amount would help.”
Donations can be made to Kal-el’s Emergency Surgery Fund at this GoFundMe page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙂