As Unbelievable As It Is That These 3 Are Napping Together, Wait Till You See The Rest!
Watson, Kiko and Harry share an amazing, unique friendship and have nothing but love to go around. But that wasn’t always the case. While Watson had always been a happy, outgoing dog, Kiko and Harry were adopted and brought into the home a little unsure about themselves.
But Jennifer knew Watson could help, and that’s exactly what he did.
Kiko the Golden Retriever has always had anxiety issues and needed someone or something to help break him out of his shell. Then a woman named Jennifer brought him into her family.
That’s when he met Watson. Watson’s outgoing personality made Kiko feel right at home and they hit it off immediately. But it wouldn’t stop there…
A cat named Harry was brought into the mix! Harry was a little anxious at first (he was hanging around two dogs, after all!), but Watson worked his magic once again.
Even more surprising, Kiko and Harry hit it off! Something about Watson’s calm and happy demeanor seemed to bring everyone together. 🙂
Now they all nap together and even play fetch with each other! It may sound unbelievable, but the truth is right here. 🙂
For three animals who started their lives without siblings or families, they sure are a lovable bunch! They just have so much love to spread around. 🙂