They Put This Dog To Sleep After Being Hit By A Car. What Happened Next? A Miracle.
A homeless dog was hit by a car and scheduled to be put to sleep. The four-year-old dog was seen as “damaged” and had high medical bills that no one wanted to touch. But on the day of the lethal injection, something happened that no one expected…
Although the dog survived the car accident, he was scheduled to be put to sleep as no one would adopt him.
When they gave the injection, the dog squirmed in an unusual way. It was as if he knew what was happening. When the staff left that night, he was lying completely still.
When they arrived in the morning, he was up and moving around as if nothing had happened! Everyone was shocked. So they named him Lazarus after the man that Jesus rose from the dead.
His story started to spread, and a family 160 miles away decided to adopt Lazarus.
Lazarus survived a car accident and lethal injection in order to find his forever home. Just amazing.
He now lives with his loving family and a new friend named Tucker. 🙂
What a fitting ending for a dog that went through so much. Lazarus finally has the family and life he deserves.