Man Spots A Dying Puppy On The Road And Makes A Call To Save Her Life
A man spotted a dog on the side of the road and immediately knew something was wrong. Without hesitation, he called for help and hoped everything would be all right. Adopt-a-Bull Rescue would help give Princess the transformation she deserved.
A man did an amazing thing when he found this dying puppy lying unconscious on the road. He immediately called for help.
This dog had a horrible skin condition that could have been treated, but her owner neglected her and tossed her out like trash.
The rescue team named her Princess. She could barely keep her eyes open but they could tell she was a fighter.
After just a few days, Princess started to gain some strength after some much needed rest and food.
Once healthy enough, she found a foster home! This is her with Cliffy, her step-brother.
Finally getting the care and attention that she deserves, Princess couldn’t be happier.
Fortunately, Princess suffered no permanent damage and her coat grew back all nice and shiny. Just amazing!
Wow! I can’t believe this recovery and transformation. Thanks to some amazing people, Princess will never live that nightmare again.