This Puppy Had To Get Braces, And You HAVE To See The Pictures!
Braces are not fun. But sometimes they are mandatory for health benefits and not just a nicer smile. That is exactly why a Golden Retriever puppy recently had to get braces. His misaligned teeth didn’t allow him to eat properly or even play with toys.
But you have to admit… Wesley looks awfully cute with them!
This is Molly Moore with Wesley, a six-month-old Golden Retriever.
Molly works at a veterinary clinic in Spring Lake, Michigan owned by her dad, Jim Moore.
Wesley may look like a normal, healthy puppy. But he had some teething issues…
His adult teeth came in misaligned, and he couldn’t properly close his mouth.
Wesley stopped playing with toys and started to lose weight. That’s when Molly knew there was a real problem.
And Molly knew just the person to ask: her dad! Jim, a specialist in veterinary dentistry, came up with the solution of braces.
While rare, animal braces are not unheard of. But unlike with people, they are used strictly for functional and health reasons and not just for looks.
Here’s Wesley with his new smile! 🙂
Wesley reminds Molly of the time she had to wear braces herself. But she thinks Wesley looks pretty cute with them!
Don’t be embarrassed, Wesley. The braces only need to stay on for a few more weeks.
Soon he will have a pretty smile and great health!