These 24 Animals Think They Are Cute Spring Bunnies – Oh My!
With spring in the air and flowers blooming, a particular carrot munching mammal tends to hog the spotlight. Well these animals aren’t rabbits, but they sure do look cute in bunny ears 🙂
It’s the Easter Pug-Bunny!
My heart just melted like a chocolate bunny.
Spring is bad for my allergies.
I’ll beat any rabbit in a race, watch me!
I’m a glam glitter bunny!
I can wiggle my nose too.
If I bunny hop inside the floor breaks.
The blue brings out my eyes
Admit it, I had you fooled with my fluff!
Grumpy bunny
I hate it when someone steals your look.
Look, I’m wearing the outfit and I already have the ears…do I really need to wear the hat?
My costume also works as a spring daisy!
Not a fan…not at all.
I haven’t told them we’re really dogs yet.
This “bunny” is always welcome in my tulip garden.
It did seem funny seeing a bunny flying …at night.
I love/hate these ears.
Who said carrot?!
This is so embarrassing.
So this spring remember to check your bunnies twice…it might just be a dog in ears 🙂