They Noticed Something Around Their Dog’s Eyes & Belly. And Now? Whoa.
A dog named Rowdy is turning heads everywhere he goes. A skin condition called vitiligo has changed his appearance over the years. Pictures of Rowdy were posted on a family member’s Facebook page, but it’s also his story that’s making him famous.
Rowdy is the Umbenhowers’ family dog. And he is famous for several reasons…
The 13-year-old dog has escaped death twice. He once had to get his stomach pumped after drinking poisonous river water. Another time, he was shot by police who thought he was part of a burglary.
But there’s something else about Rowdy. Just look at his eyes and belly. He started getting spots as a result of vitiligo, a skin condition that causes loss of pigment.
The family is always asked if it’s something they did, or if they painted their dog. But it’s just a natural, non-fatal skin condition.
Rowdy is a perfectly happy and healthy dog…
And one thing is for sure: He’s one special pup!
Not only has this dog survived two close calls, but he has a special coat to remind everyone what a unique dog he really is. 🙂